Monday, December 19, 2005

Smart Cars - No Biodiesel allowed

I drive about 20 minutes to work each day and I hate spending the money pushing an extra couple of tons of steel with me. So, in my bid to reduce fuel usage I am considering purchasing one of these 70mpg cute little Smart cars. Apparently these little things can handle a snowy Canadian winter and have a decent saftey record.

One major plus is that they run on diesel, which made me think I could easily run it on biodiesel from my local distributor (Yes there are a few stations here in Toronto). 'Hold on' says the salesman at the dealership. 'using biodiesel will void your warranty'. What?

Despite the fact that biodiesel is cleaner and better for your engine it appears Big Auto is in cahoots with Big Oil. Big surprise. Screw them, if I get one the first tank will be B20.

BioDiesel Locations in Toronto:

Stohos Gas Bar- 1001 Queen Street East(corner of Pape)

2) Olco Station - 31-51 Old Kennedy Rd.

Map of Biodiesel locations in the US


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome, dude.

Those little cars are apparently quite safe. They're just nice looking roll cages ;)

I saw an auto show on TV where they crashed one full-tilt into a 3 ton block of concrete. The front-end was done, but the passenger area maintained its shape.

I want to hold off on getting a vehicle for as long as possible. If and when I have to get one, a Smart Car will at the top of my list.

You should look into whether they can actually determine if you used biodiesel. Maybe you could just flush it out with a tank or two of regular diesel before taking it to the mechanic, should you ever have to.

-- Matt D.

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason is that biodiesel is much more of a solvent than regular diesel and can melt various plastic and rubber hoses/gaskets in your car. Maybe. Also, it will gel more in cold weather. Chemically, it's quite different from regular diesel, which is a pretty highly tuned chemical compound.


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