Thursday, December 22, 2005

Drilling the ANWR

As you probably already know, the latest big green story from America is that oil development for the ANWR was shot down in the Senate.

I have a hard time calling this a victory because what impact does this really have? The ANWR probably won’t be opened to oil exploration this year, but what about a year from now or 3 years from now? At some point, the dwindling energy supplies and rising oil prices will bring this issue to light again. When oil hits $100 per barrel and soccer moms across the country can no longer afford to drive to Walmart then cries to open development will be heard from coast to coast. “The American way of life is non negotiable” and so nothing will be held sacred. The sad thing is that the oil in the ANWR won’t make much of a difference, this world is going on a petroleum crash diet like it or not. All one can do is prepare for a new economy and a new life while the old economy is burning around us.


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