Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Northern Eco-Tech Companies

This holiday I was up in Sault Ste. Marie Northern Ontario visiting with family and friends.While I was up there I visited a local eco-tech company called Northern Lights. They are doing some fantastic work up there and are pretty much the only renewable energy specialists in the area.

By all accounts business looks like it is booming as more and more people offset high heating and electricity bills with solar or wind projects. Despite it's northern latitude, the Soo has plenty of open spaces, lots of wind and enough sun to run a home fully off-grid. There are even several large scale wind projects under way in the region with more to come.

As I will be re-locating to the Soo in the future it is great to see eco-tech businesses in the Soo that are thriving. If you are in Northern Ontario and need a solar or wind system then I suggest you give Lawrence a ring (705) 246 2073


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I like to subscribe to your rss feed but it ain't working! Thanks, Olga


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